Week 01: Intro

MIT Fall 2024

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Seven Segment Display and PWM: Intro to Verilog and cocotb

Welcome to your first set of 6.205 assignments! Each week you'll get a mixture of exercises and lab parts that you should complete by the due date. Before getting started, make sure you've got your necessary software set up as described over on the documentation page.

Exercises + Checkoffs

  1. Exercise (SV): Combinational Logic I
  2. Exercise (SV): Combinational Logic II
  3. Exercise (SV): Binary to Seven-Segment
  4. Exercise (SV): Module Wiring
  5. Infrastructure: Setting Up Lab
  6. Checkoff 01: Seven-Segment On the Board
  7. Exercise (SV): Sequential Logic
  8. Exercise (py): Testbench: Flashing Counter
  9. Checkoff 02: RGB Color Control