Actually on Hardware

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The questions below are due on Wednesday September 11, 2024; 11:59:00 PM.
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KeyError: 'username'

Pre-requisites for this checkoff - lab setup (all your work for this lab will happen in the lab01 project directory) and the earlier problem where you wrote the four-bit binary-to-seven-segment converter (you'll use that module on this page). Make sure these are complete before you get started on this section!

For a thing to put on the FPGA, we're going to use the bto7s module you wrote in earlier this week to control the seven-segment display on the FPGA board. It won't control all the digits independently (we'll need sequential logic for that and we'll do that in week 2) so each digit on the display will show the same thing. We'll use two .sv files for this: one to contain the bto7s module, and one to connect the module to the physical pins on the chip.

Make both files in the hdl directory of your lab folder.

  • Name one and copy in your working bto7s module from earlier this week into it.
  • Make a second file called and transfer the contents below into it:
`default_nettype none // prevents system from inferring an undeclared logic (good practice)

module top_level(
  input wire [15:0] sw, //all 16 input slide switches
  input wire [3:0] btn, //all four momentary button switches
  output logic [15:0] led, //16 green output LEDs (located right above switches)
  output logic [2:0] rgb0, //RGB channels of RGB LED0
  output logic [2:0] rgb1, //RGB channels of RGB LED1
  output logic [3:0] ss0_an,//anode control for upper four digits of seven-seg display
  output logic [3:0] ss1_an,//anode control for lower four digits of seven-seg display
  output logic [6:0] ss0_c, //cathode controls for the segments of upper four digits
  output logic [6:0] ss1_c //cathod controls for the segments of lower four digits

  logic [6:0] ss0_cn, ss1_cn; //used for inverting output signal

  // instantiate a bto7s module called 'n1' that controls the upper four 7-seg
  bto7s n1(

  // instantiate a bto7s module called 'n0' that controls the lower four 7-seg
  bto7s n0(

  assign {ss0_an, ss1_an} = 8'h00; // all low (on). to turn off digits, set high
  assign ss0_c = ~ss0_cn; //the cathodes on the seven segment are active low, so invert
  assign ss1_c = ~ss1_cn; //same as above

  /* we'll use the LEDs later...for now, just link them to the switches
   * and force some lights on

  assign led = sw;
  assign rgb0 = 3'b0; //just shut up rgb0 (it is bright)
  assign rgb1 = 3'b0; //just shut up rgb1 (it is bright)

endmodule // top_level
/* I usually add a comment to associate my endmodule line with the module name
 * this helps when if you have multiple module definitions in a file

// reset the default net type to wire, sometimes other code expects this.
`default_nettype wire

This file is the top level file, and its inputs and outputs are actually going to be the pins on the FPGA, which are connected to the peripherals on the development board. Specifically, the module above is dropping the bto7s module into the following sort of schematic (with some little details left out):

An "approximate" schematic of what we're building first. Note this is not totally accurate, since there are some control electronics between the FPGA and the seven segment LED.

The 8 digits of the seven-segment display are actually broken into two banks of four digits each which each share common segment controls. We're going to independently control the upper four digits using switches sw[7:4] and the lower four digits using switches sw[3:0]. For this week, we lack the ability to control the individual digits separately (we could do it this week, but it is probably best left to after you get some simpler practice with sequential logic and will be done in Week 2), so for now, the value placed on the upper bank of digits will get replicated on all four digits, and same with the lower.

Missing Link (xdc)

The missing "link" is now between our top_level module and the actual FPGA. We've declared an output called led that is 16 bits wide, but the FPGA doesn't know what that physically maps to on the actual chip. The XDC file (top_level.xdc, which you created in lab setup), provides this mapping. We only want to include mappings for connections we actually use, so we'll only uncomment the lines needed to setup the top_level module with its inputs and outputs. XDC files use "#" comments so we just remove the leading # on the necessary lines.

For example, to activate sw[0] you'd simply start with this:

#set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G1  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [ get_ports "sw[0]" ]
#set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F2  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [ get_ports "sw[1]" ]
#set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F1  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [ get_ports "sw[2]" ]

and then go to this:

set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G1  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [ get_ports "sw[0]" ]
#set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F2  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [ get_ports "sw[1]" ]
#set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F1  IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [ get_ports "sw[2]" ]

For our designs in this lab, we want to use the following connections on the chip:

  • All 16 sw switch pins. (active high)
  • The four btn buttons (even though we'll only use three). (active high)
  • All 16 led pins. (active high)
  • All 8 an anode pins of the seven-segment display, which are split into two "banks":
    • ss0_an[3:0] which control the on/off nature of each of the four upper digits (active low)
    • ss1_an[3:0] which controls the on/off nature of each of the four lower digits (active low)
  • The cathode pins of the seven-segment display, which are split into two "banks":
    • ss0_c[6:0] which controls the segments of all four upper digits (active low)
    • ss1_c[6:0] which controls the segments of all four lower digits (active low)
  • The two RGB LEDs on the board. We won't use these LEDs yet, but we'll activate them now so when you hit the later part of the lab, they'll already be good to go:
    • rgb0[2:0] which is the blue, green, and red controls (active high) for the RGB0 LED
    • rgb1[2:0] which is the blue, green, and red controls (active high) for the RGB1 LED


Using your preferred Vivado setup, generate a bitstream for this design:

  • If you are running Vivado locally (your own machine or a lab machine), do vivado -mode batch -source build.tcl, and watch the messages scroll by. -mode batch forces Vivado to build on the command line, and -source build.tcl forces Vivado to use your build script rather than defaulting to a 'project-mode' setup. Here is a copy of a pretty generic build.tcl that you should put in the root of your lab folder. Both of these save you a ton of time - get used to using them! If all goes well, this should succeed, and you'll wind up with an output file in obj.

  • If you're using lab-bc, things are a little different. Assuming you set up your project file as we stated in the Lab setup page, you should run: lab-bc run lab01 (replacing lab01 with the name of the appropriate lab directory) and essentially the same thing should happen, and you'll also wind up with a build log in obj and output bit file there too!

Once this is done, using openFPGALoader, flash the output bitfile (obj/final.bit) to your FPGA. Verify that the lower four bits can set all sixteen appropriate digits on the displays like shown in the video below.

If things don't work, scroll through the readout Vivado gives you! Look for ERROR, since that is likely an error. The output vivado.log is a text file and completely searchable as well in case you don't want to scroll through all the readout manually!

Checkoff 1:
For checkoff 1, show your seven segment display working with the lower four switches.

Once you're done, move on to the next part of this week's assignments :D