Module Wiring

MIT Fall 2024

The questions below are due on Wednesday September 11, 2024; 11:59:00 PM.
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As our designs become larger and larger, we'll break them down into smaller modules in order to tame that complexity. This also means that we'll need to do some plumbing between all the modules, like the wiring that exists in the schematic below:

Module-level schematic. Crossing wires with a dot are connected, but crossing wires with no dot are not.

Try your hand at this plumbing by finishing the top_level module that encapsulates the design above. This module should have inputs a_in and b_in and output f_out. All of the smaller modules (m0, m1, etc) are already defined for you, with the port names and sizes shown in the schematic. Keep in mind that the number above the slashes are the number of bits in the signal.

Once you're done, move on to the next part of this week's assignments :D