Camera Pixel Reconstructor

Basically Doing it In Reverse

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Enter: OV5640

I want to use my FPGA to look at a cat. A live, real-time cat! You know what you need in order to to look at a cat in real-time? A cat A camera!

Livestreamed Cat

Kiran's cat, Topaz, unfortunately is not available at the front of lab, but the OV5640 camera sensor is.

Later in this week's lab, you'll use the OV5640 camera sensor and get its camera data to display on the HDMI output you constructed last week. Its datasheet is available here, and there's a lot of really interesting stuff to learn from it and the different settings you can configure for it. But for the purposes of this lab, we'll take care of all the settings configuration for you, so that the data can be easily accessible to you. Your job in this exercise is to write logic to interpret the data that comes in from the camera as a full image.

The format the camera will use to send us sensor data (referred to by the datasheet as "Digital Video Port") bears similarity to the way we send data over HDMI to our monitors. Just like with our HDMI transmitter, the camera sends us pixels left-to-right, top-to-bottom. It uses hsync and vsync signals to indicate the start of new rows and the start of new frames. However, unlike HDMI, it sends its data frames in parallel: there are 8 parallel wires which each carry part of an 8-bit message simultaneously, rather than having to serialize the data onto one wire.

But wait! 8 bits isn't enough to send a full-color pixel! Specifically, the OV5640 will be set to give us 16-bit color, using the RGB565 format1. In order to handle this, it'll be our responsibility to properly stitch two adjacent sets of 8 bits together and make a full pixel.

Your job is to design a pixel_reconstructor module, that takes the input data wires from the camera and outputs a single-cycle-high valid signal for each new pixel, alongside its coordinate location within the image.

  • input wire camera_pclk_in: The data clock provided by the camera: the transition from 0 to 1on this wire defines the time when all other camera data wires should be read.2
  • input wire camera_hs_in: Horizontal sync (active low): when this signal is low, a row of pixels has completed and the camera is about to send the next row of pixels.
  • input wire camera_vs_in: Vertical sync (active low): when this signal is low, a full frame of pixels has been sent and the camera is about to start to send the next frame, beginning in the top left corner.
  • input wire [7:0] camera_data_in: The 8 parallel wires transmitting pixel data, one byte at a time. Each pixel is 16 bits wide and is sent on 2 sequential cycles of pclk: first the upper 8 bits are sent, then the lower 8 bits are sent. When both hs and vs are high, the bytes captured on these wires are valid data; otherwise, we're in a blanking period and camera_data should be ignored.

Based on the camera inputs, you should generate the following set of outputs:

  • output logic pixel_valid_out: Single-cycle high when a full pixel's data has been captured.
  • output logic [HCOUNT_WIDTH-1:0] pixel_hcount_out: The horizontal coordinate you've determined for the pixel being transmitted.
  • output logic [VCOUNT_WIDTH-1:0] pixel_vcount_out: The vertical coordinate you've determined for the pixel being transmitted.
  • output logic [15:0] pixel_data_out: the reconstructed 16-bit pixel value.

The Camera's Video Protocol

Data delivery within one row of the camera output. Each pixel takes two `PCLK` cycles to deliver its full data.

The protocol through which the camera provides us data is pretty approachable, and primarily simply relies on reading data when we see PCLK transition from 0 to 1, just like we did when receiving data over SPI. A handful of notes about the protocol:

  • The pixel data we receive is valid when both hsync and vsync are high. Note the polarity of this; a 0 on a sync wire indicates a syncing region. Additionally, note that there is no front porch/back porch the way we've had in the past; the data is always either in a sync state or its giving us valid data.
  • When hsync has a transition from 1 to 0, we know that a row has completed and we should start interpreting future valid data as the next row, starting again from the left side.
  • When vsync is low, we know that a frame has completed and we should start interpreting future data as starting from the top left corner. Note that while vsync is low, we should ignore any falling edge of hsync! Any change in the hsync value during the vsync region doesn't hold any meaning for us.
  • Pixels come with their upper 8 bits first. Make sure you stitch things together the right way around.

Hints and Suggestions as you write:

  • We've often found ourselves creating _prev registers that allow us to track transition points of signals, and these will definitely come in use here. For sampling the data wires from the camera though, you don't necessarily want to keep track of transitions that happen within each sys_clk cycle, since we only know the data to be valid when PCLK transitions from 0 to 1. So, it could be helpful to keep a register like last_sample_hsync that stores the previous value seen at a valid sample point.
    • Also, if you keep track of the [7:0] last_sample_data, then you'll have access to the last 8 bits and the present 8 bits (a.k.a. a full 16 bit pixel) when you receive the second half.
    • As a blanket rule, don't assume any signal from the camera is valid unless you detect a valid sample point from PCLK.
  • Consider tracking a half_pixel_ready signal that alternates as new 8-bit samples come in during an active region, so you know when a pixel has been completed. You only have a new valid pixel on every other sample point from the camera data bus, so you only want to actually assert pixel_valid_out when half_pixel_ready is high. Ensure this signal resets whenever you're in a syncing region, so you don't accidentally stitch together bytes at the edges of two rows! Or, approach this with an FSM!
    • Think through where the transitions for this flag should happen, so that you don't get off by 1 byte and interpret two halves of adjacent pixels as part of the same pixel! And test locally/look at waveforms to make sure you're not prematurely sending out pixel_valid_out signals.

Testing your pixel receiver

As usual, testbenching is beautiful and lovely and will make your life happy. With all the data it's trying to spit at you, trying to debug your interpretation of camera signals in hardware will make your life sad. So, make a testbench! Here, we've attached a waveform that is actually captured from hardware, showing one row of what the camera spit out when it was configured to transmit a color-bars test pattern.

Test Pattern

The waveform captured from hardware represents a row of the camera telling the FPGA about this test pattern.3 Each color is encoded in RGB565, which you can convert to 24-bit color to see the hex values for each of the colors in these bars. Not pictured is the `vsync` region's patterns, since a waveform of the whole image would be incredibly unwieldy.

As you create your testbench, it would be a good idea to drive your camera signals to resemble what you see in that waveform. Perhaps send in fewer than 1280 pixels per row, and test multiple rows and multiple frames. Make sure that you test and ensure that you're successfully outputting pixels with the proper high byte and the proper low byte, and not accidentally stitching together halves of two adjacent pixels! Once you've tested your pixel reconstructor, submit it below.

module pixel_reconstruct
Submit your tested pixel reconstruction module here!
Code Skeleton
  No file selected

Once you're done, feel free to move on to making PopCat Pop :D.


1Just like the 16 switches we set to choose a color back in week 1! (click to return to text)

2This clock will be slow enough that we can reliably sample during every half-period of the clock, so we can always measure the transition from 0 to 1. In order to accomplish this, we'll have to work with a faster FPGA clock, as you'll see when we take this to hardware (click to return to text)

3The edges of each color bar are a bit blurry in the camera's output; don't worry too much about that! (click to return to text)