Windows Tips

Fall 2023

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Windows can be annoying, so this page is a collection of tips for making life in 6.205 with a Windows machine a little happier.

WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

One of the best ways to improve the Windows command line is to turn it into the Ubuntu command line! This can be done with WSL. When SystemVerilog projects get larger, it can be a pain to enumerate every single file that has to be sent to lab-bc. Mac and Linux users can use a wildcard operator (*) to send every file in the hdl/ folder at once without listing them using hdl/*, but that sadly doesn't work on Windows. We can get around this with WSL, making our Windows machine a little more Linuxy.

Open your terminal and run wsl --install. This will set up WSL on your machine and install a Ubuntu Linux subsystem. It will tell you to reboot. After rebooting, it will finish installing and prompt you to make a username and password for your new Ubuntu installation.

Now you can preface commands with wsl to run that command in the Ubuntu subsystem. You can run builds on lab-bc using this command: wsl python3 ./remote/ build.tcl hdl/* xdc/top_level.xdc obj/